The Great EDH Challenge: Dune-Brood – Saskia, Soldier Girl


Power Level: 6.1

<<< Hey guys, it’s been a long time. Life has been hectic this past year, and I have done a lot of moving around, but I’m back at home and ready to finally complete this challenge. Just three more decks to go after this one! >>>

Saskia was created to accelerate the aggro strategy in commander by allowing you to kill your opponents even more quickly. The way that Saskia puts pressure on the chosen player can overwhelm that person, even if they have blockers or pillow fort cards in play. Simply attack an opponent who can’t defend themselves, and watch that pesky protected opponent’s life total get whittled away. And if you want to be extra efficient, then you can attack the chosen player directly to do double damage. And with haste, this soldier girl comes out swinging. I always love a good hasty commander!

In this deck, Saskia leads an army of soldiers to storm and control the battlefield. We storm the board with creature tokens with cards like Call the Coppercoats and Deploy the the Front, while controlling the board with powerful legendary creatures such as Thalia, Heretic Cathar and Odric, Master Tactician. There are several powerful lords in the deck that really push our 1/1 tokens over the edge, such as Rick, Steadfast Leader and Captain of the Watch.

We are spending our first turns building up a board presence of creatures in preparation of Saskia’s arrival on the battlefield. Esper Sentinel into Ballyrush Banneret into Field Marshal and Valiant Veteran is one of the best curves you can get. When Saskia comes out, we want her to have enough bodies to do some real damage. This deck has several high-cost, high-impact cards, so be mindful that our early and mid-game tends to be quite slow. One-spell a turn is to be expected while playing this deck. And as always, there are a few infinite combos in the deck to close the game out in the late-game:

Ashnod’s Altar + Nim Deathmantle + Captain of the Watch/Torsten, Founder of Benalia = Infinite Creatures and Infinite Colorless Mana

Shielded by Faith + Siona, Captain of the Pyleas = Infinite Creatures

And add Warstorm Surge to either of these combos for infinite damage!

If you enjoy tribal decks with a lot of synergy, this is a pretty dependable option. It could be made more efficient and low-to-the-ground by replacing the high mana value cards with lower cost options. Soldiers are a tribe that are always being expanded, due to their prevalence in nearly every set and plane. This deck is a great template for those who like to improve their armies by tinkering with an ever-evolving deck. You can have fun with the deck as it already is, just be mindful that it is prone to being devastated by board wipes.